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Photos Below Courtesy of Duncan Gelineau .
Bill Smith, Duncan Gelineau birthday party 
George Morin, Susan Douglas
Joyce Gelineau, Maria Lizotte (first job at Mine)
Charlie Graham
Pat O'Hearn
Birthday Party 1966? Doug Clarke, Doug McNabb, Duncan Gelineau, Lorne Lorenzen, Neil Wagner, George Morin
Dolly Mercredi & Patsie Camsell
Duncan Gelineau &  Debbie  July 4, 1978
George Morin, Duncan Gelineau, & ?
Doug Robertson, Lena & Charlie Gelineau 1976-77
Frank Nogarin,Dolly and Tony Foddis 
Walter Balsilie with art work done by Joyce Gelineau
Zulu aka Bill Cruikshanks
Nancy Foye and Maria Lizotte hiding 1963-1964
Bob Cochrane
Photos Below Courtesy of Gory Madruga (Azevedo)
The Azevedo Family
Photos Below Courtesy of Angela Catton
Brenda Seaward & Calvin Lizotte
Calvin Lizotte & Ricky Payne
Freda Fabian &  ?
Brian, Reg & Paul Payne
Cynthia Wozny & Brian Payne dressed up for Halloween!
 Reg Payne
Sandie Lenton
Kevin Anderson
Mellaart family, first day in Pine Point
Debbie Emmons, Anna-Marie, Leah Philips, Sylvia J Mellaart in the cookshack
Mabel and KC, KC and his motorbike
Photos Below Courtesy of Marius Mellaart
A couple of pictures of Marius Mellaart
Reg, John, Brian, Ronnie, Marty, Paul, Dave, Patrick, Catherine, Grandma Downey, Robby, Kim Isaak, Corrine Gaskin, Lynn Eddy Payne
Photo Below Courtesy of Angela Catton
 Cheryl, Shawn and Chloe Barron
 Deddie and Cory Barron
 Jon Bird
Photos Below Courtesy of Lauri Barron
 Lauri Barron and Paula
 Scott Flemming
 Robert Hayward
Photo Below Courtesy of Chontelle Hodgson-Butters
 Payne's Christmas dinner
 Jason and Terri Lynn Baron ?
 Tracey Feodoroff (See Not Drunk At All)
 Tamara Brownridge and Christina Jackson
The Howerton Family 1979
Photo Below Courtesy of Bob Thibault
Photo Below Courtesy of Jordan Payne
Photo Below Courtesy o Laurie Barron
Photo Below Courtesy of Lisa Murdick
Photo Below Courtesy of Tamara Brownridge